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Release Notes: 10/17/22

The Highlights:

  • Layout
  • Transactions
  • Refresh
  • Data Grid Improvements
  • Add/Remove Columns

Platform Highlights


The new positions layout brings all a user’s positions in one data grid organized by instrument. We previously divided them into three grids: options, futures, and combined strategies.

This layout provides better filtering and aggregating opportunities across all positions. More on this later


The previous My Positions view had an “Open | Closed” toggle for each data grid. See the old layout left


The new setup has one “Open Positions | Transactions” toggle.


Why Change? The new transaction layout allows us to offer our customers a true hedge accounting system.


The refresh marks current positions to market using 10-minute delayed data. It will also imports new positions for those integrated with StoneX.

If you are integrated with one of the other FCMs, position imports happen once overnight.

Data Grid Improvements

Filter Open Positions or Transactions by Contract Month or Instrument Type

Add/Remove Columns

Click the settings gear to surface the columns you need and remove the ones you don’t.

That’s all, folks! Be sure to check back in soon for continued product updates or check out the product for yourself at

This material should be construed as market commentary, merely observing economic, political and/or market conditions, and it is not intended to refer to any particular trading strategy, promotional element, or quality of service provided by Harvest IQ Inc. These materials represent the opinions and viewpoints of the author and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoints and trading strategies employed by Harvest IQ Inc. Trading derivatives such as futures and options involves substantial risk of loss, and you should fully understand these risks before trading. Harvest Inc. is not responsible for any redistribution of this material by third parties, or any trading decisions taken by persons not intended to view this material. Information contained herein was obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy is not guaranteed.