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Release Notes: 03/28/22

Platform Highlights


  1. Highlighted Previous Day Change – Highlights change from the previous day for your unprotected bushels based on the current futures price. (see “1” in the below image) 

We also show the effect that change had on your potential revenue (2) and potential profit (3)

2. New operation summary card. See your:

  • Potential Revenue
  • Marketed Revenue
  • Protected
  • Unprotected
  • Cost of Production
  • Potential Profit

Rolled up across crop types

3. Quick Edit Access – Curious how the system arrived at that number? Click the pencil icon adjacent to the number to get directed to the relevant page to quickly make edits.

My Positions

  1. Create/Edit Combined Strategies: Ability to create/edit combined strategies

For those who have integrated one of their FCMs. We will apply logic and auto combine strategies when we can, i.e. I bought a put and sold a call on the same day with the same number of contracts. 

If you’ve yet to set up your FCM integration or if the logic didn’t combine a strategy you’d like to track as one the software gives you the flexibility to manually combine the positions. This feature can be found when clicking Add

PositionA similar logic is used to decouple a combined strategy.

My Positions

Realistic Wizard Default Values: We have tried to make the signup process fast and easy for farmers. In our efforts to improve the five-step setup wizard, we populated it with realistic values that the farmer can accept to keep moving forward. What the farmer puts in for wizard values can always be changed later on.

And that’s all we could fit in this sprint, till next time.

This material should be construed as market commentary, merely observing economic, political and/or market conditions, and it is not intended to refer to any particular trading strategy, promotional element, or quality of service provided by Harvest IQ Inc. These materials represent the opinions and viewpoints of the author and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoints and trading strategies employed by Harvest IQ Inc. Trading derivatives such as futures and options involves substantial risk of loss, and you should fully understand these risks before trading. Harvest Inc. is not responsible for any redistribution of this material by third parties, or any trading decisions taken by persons not intended to view this material. Information contained herein was obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy is not guaranteed.